Outdoor lighting tips and tricks

No matter how beautiful your outdoor space is, if the evening hours roll around the corner, the beautiful ambiance is about to go under in the darkness of the night. But what if you want to keep the party going and also enjoy all that your landscape has to offer during the later evening hours? —- You guessed it: Outdoor lighting. This is an excellent way to accentuate certain areas, set moods and get the most out of your outdoor space. So if you are a newbie on outdoor lighting, here are a few “rule of thumbs” to keep in mind":

First off analyse your outdoor space and decide where you want to put the focus on with adding some lighting. Do you have a favorite tree, planting, possibly a fountain etc..those items can be accentuated with spot lighting. Just a single spot light pointed in the right direction will work wonders.

If you have a path going through your front or backyard space, path lights spread out every 4 -6 feet will give your outdoor space the perfect lighting and guide your guests along the way. Same goes for railing lights, those are perfect to shine down on the surface rather than lighting upward.

For any sort of decking and steps, step lights or in ground lighting are perfect to light up all the necessary areas and protect from falling and/or tripping.

Wall lights are a beautiful alternative to brighten and accentuate walls and or fences in your backyard and front yard space. Your options are endless and modern lights offer a wide range of pattern and shapes.

All lighting can be installed via electrical connection (make sure to check if you need an adaptor and your voltage, sometimes lighting with low voltage need an additional transformer added to the outlets.

If you want to save energy and since sunny San Diego offers sunlight energy almost 365 days a year, you can also find tons of beautiful solar options. The only downfall with solar lighting is that it won’t last you for many years and you will have to replace them at some point.

Hope this blog gave you some insight and ideas for your very own outdoor lighting project.