Let's go Native


Grasses that beat our drought problems

We all know it, water has always been one of earth most valuable substances. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it, the demand is high. Our neighbors’ grass is always greener and with that said, we try desperately to water everything around us, boost the irrigation system to make our outdoor space a Garden of Versailles paradise.

Oh wait, there is only one HUGE problem: We are currently living in one of the biggest droughts known to the modern life. Things are changing fast and irrigation has been an ongoing issue. We want to safe water, but how? How can we still be proud owners of our home if the outdoor space looks like the saharan desert, single patches of grass trying to survive in the not so forgiving California heat. 

Keep on reading friends cause I have good news for you! We have been in collaboration with the best sod producers in California, specialized in developing turf grass alternatives (so we know what’s up and can share all the ins and outs with you).

First off, what exactly is sod and why is it so cost effective?
Sod is turf/grass and the part of the soil beneath it held together by its roots or another piece of thin material.


Sod installations rather than traditional seeding methods are a very easy and cost-efficient process. Using native sods dramatically reduces the development of invasive weeds.

It also produces a strong root system that will interface well with high survivability rates in most soil types. Researches have shown 50%-70% less water usage after sod is established and has gone through its first summer season. The return on investment begins 18 months after installation and the sod creates a sustainable and native environment and habitats. 


These native grasses absorb nitrates, heavy metals and trap sediment to recharge water as it enters into our waterways. On top of all your savings, a better environment for us, our children and our pets, turf grass aka sod also supports subsurface fungi and bacterial growth and health.

So lets recap the main bullet points:

  • Water savings (which also means big bucks savings in your pocket)

  • A healthy balanced environment perfect for native habitats

  • Super easy installation (yes if you are a DIY type this project will not just make your backyard/front yard space beautiful but also make you look like you know what you are doing).

If you want some more information on your local sod specialist, check out this website: http://www.deltabluegrass.com

Native Grasses in California:

Purple three-Awn

Purple three-Awn

Blue grama

Blue grama

California fescue

California fescue

Giant wild rye

Giant wild rye

California melic

California melic

Isabel Solis