Green walls - Your very own vertical garden

Today, I am going to fill you in on green walls. This year has been one of the toughest known to modern history so now it’s time to treat ourselves with something special. Green walls, also known as vertical garden are a unique addition to your home, either indoors or outdoors.

This blog post will give you answers to the following questions that you might have:

How many different kinds of green walls can one choose from?

Which one suits indoor spaces and which one is best for outdoors?

Do vertical garden require a lot of maintenance?

Let’s jump right into it. There is lots of green walls to chose from, they differ in size, plants and lots of them offer a DIY variation. They all come with some sort of system to ensure that the green walls stay in place and get enough water: The three types of common systems are panel/modular systems, tray systems and free standing walls.

Panel/modular systems use panels where plants are pre-grown (6-8 weeks prior to installation). This system works great indoor or outdoors, in most climates and can be attached to any existing walls. It comes with a drip irrigation system to ensure that your plants are taken care of 24/7 and a drain matte is included (not visible obvi) in case one of the irrigation tubes might leak, to avoid any damage to your flooring.

Tray systems also use pre grown plants but you will insert them into the trays once those are installed in your desired place. This system allows you to pick your plants individually, replace them as you desire and chose which design you would like. Tray systems are common for interior use and less expensive than panel systems. There is one main challenge to tray systems: The plants are rooted in soil and might lead to bugs or fungus/mold if overwatered. You manually water the plants which also means that you have to remember to water them (put a reminder on your smart phone!).

Free standing walls are smaller systems since you can move them from one place to the other, indoor or outdoor. They can be used for a temporary setting (events etc.) or as a wall divider and in a setting that likes ot be changed at times. This system also requires manual watering.

Succulents and low maintenance plants with minimal watering requirements are your best friend for green walls. Great indoor plants for your vertical garden are:

Cascading Photos, Silver Evergreen, Philodendron Brasil, Pilea Peperomioides, Jade Pothos

Take a look at some of our projects that include green walls:

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